Next Generation Firewalls

Effectively managing your network and ensuring complete device security can be complex and costly for any business.

Armournet’s Next-generation (NG) Firewall technologies simplify network security by using only a modular software platform which can evolve as well as adapt to your business needs.
Our NG Firewalls have been designed specifically for micro and SME organisations that do not have the vast security budgets available to large corporate companies.

All managed from our cloud control centre, we are able to quickly respond to alerts generated by the our next generation Firewall and immediately access the device to view your live network traffic.

NG Firewalls have many features which would be configured to accommodate your business needs, including web content filtering, advanced protection and VPN-connectivity, providing a comprehensive enterprise-grade network security solution for all businesses across all various sectors.

Armournet’s Edge Threat Management solutions help both SMEs and distributed enterprises optimise their networks while protecting their data and devices. Edge Threat Management is a comprehensive approach to ‘security orchestration’ – providing cloud-managed security and connectivity options that work together seamlessly to ensure protection, monitoring, and control across the entire digital attack surface – from headquarters to the network edge.

SDN - Software Defined Networks

iQuila -Software Defined Layer 2 Networks over HTTPS

iQuila logo

Unrivalled connection speeds and uptime across any kind of network

Leading-class security using a revolutionary protocol securing the device as well as the connection

SSL Military-grade encryption and RSA certificate authentication

Unmatched uptime and speed using ‘multi-bit splicing’ that slices the data into compact, packages efficiently over any internet carrier, including 4G and 5G or satellite

Highly scalable and rapid deployment, supporting millions of devices simultaneously

Secure, cost-effective way to scale a connected


Integrates with Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and other

In partnership with iQulia, we can provide a fast, fully encrypted, virtual, Local Area Network (LAN), securely over the internet creating a secure software-defined network, connecting all your devices, no matter where they are globally, as if they were all on the same internal local network.


Similar to using a business VPN connection, the SDN can connect multiple sites, offices, and remote workers anywhere in the world, helping you collaborate with your team as if they were in the same room.

Secure DNS Management

So, what is DNS

The Domain Name System, aka DNS, is the nerve centre of an organisation, and manages the location of your website, as well as your email and domain authorisation for secure and reliable email delivery.




Unwanted visibility of your DNS information, in the wrong hands, can be used to attack your business in the cloud; enter “Cloudflare”


Cloudflare is one of the biggest networks operating on the Internet. Cloudflare effectively hides the DNS records providing security and performance enhancements for efficient websites operation.

We ensure that all of our client’s websites and other internet bases services are protected behind the Cloudflare internet firewall.



Your Internet provider, and anyone else listening in on the Internet, can see every site you visit and every app you use — even if their content is encrypted. Cloudflare offers a free DNS service called that you can use on any device. Cloudflare’s protects your data from being analysed or used for targeting you with ads.

For more information about our Secure Website Hosting click here for more information (link to Secure Website Hosting page)


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